Shopping Mall and solution

Figures show there were 1,763 shopping centres in Australia by the end of 2019. About 10 million people get in and out of such places every day, nearly half of Australia’s population. Shopping centers have become an indispensable part of life until early 2020 as the COVID-19 outbreak broke that formula.


Without an effective antidote or vaccine, the government has no choice but to lock down public places, where people have potential close contact. As a result of crowded population mobility, shopping malls are suffering a huge impact. This gets even more pressure on the retail and services industry, which are already struggling to survive.


This outbreak is not the first time in history, and it must not be the last. Experience tells us that the fight against the epidemic will undoubtedly be a sustained battle. 


As an indispensable part of the shopping center, elevators, escalators and moving walkways have been playing an important role. Now, because of the density of people in a limited space, they become a risky zone as the spread of the virus. The fact pushes us to respond positively. 


As an innovative force in the elevator industry, House of Elevators has been exploring ways to provide simple and effective solutions to existing elevators and help users minimize the risk of infection as operation.


In response to the characteristics of shopping centers and the demands of customers, we have developed three types of products:

  • Sterilization and Disinfection

For directly touching surfaces, including elevator cabins and moving handrails, we developed two products:

We have also developed two products for the ventilation and disinfection of the air that may be a epidemic medium in elevators:

In addition to sterilization, in order to fundamentally avoid direct contact during the operation of the elevator, we developed three touchless products:


Body temperature measurement